It might not be Mrs. Balls chutney, but Zerina’s Apricot Chutney recipe certainly echoes back to this favourite South African condiment.

I attempted to make my own chutney again. The first time was a few years ago and I wasn’t happy and never attempted again. I usually bring back (to Norway) enough on my trips to Cape Town but I decided to try again. We are sadly not privileged with South African goods in Norway.
This batch is chunky, not too sweet (I’m weary of to much sugar) and maybe still a bit tarty in flavour. The problem we have is finding the right vinegar as brown is not available here. So I used malt and water to break away the acidic taste. I also combined fresh and dry apricots and fresh peaches as we do not have dry peaches.
Zerina’s Apricot Chutney
Zerina Parker
200g dry apricots, soaked in water overnight and chopped
100 g raisins, soaked in vinegar overnight and chopped
5 fresh apricots and small peaches, chopped
1 cup vinegar
1 cup brown sugar
1 onion, chopped
Pinch of cloves and ginger
1 red chilli
Slow cook everything in a pot over low heat until done.
Bottle hot in sterilised jars